Blarney Stone


Ireland is a land full of legends and traditions, and one of the most fascinating is the story of the Blarney Stone. Located at Blarney Castle near Cork, this stone is famous for granting the gift of eloquence to those who kiss it. Thousands of visitors flock to this picturesque castle every year to partake in this centuries-old rite.

The legend of the Blarney Stone dates back to the 14th century. It is said that Cormac Laidir MacCarthy, the builder of the castle, received the stone from a goddess after helping her in a conflict. In gratitude, she gave him this magical stone that granted persuasive abilities. Since then, kissing the stone has become a ritual for those wishing to enhance their oratory skills.

Blarney Castle, where the famous stone is located, is a medieval structure dating back to 1446. Its towers, gardens, and surrounding landscapes offer an unforgettable experience for visitors. Besides kissing the stone, tourists can explore the nooks and crannies of the castle, enjoy walks through its gardens, and learn more about its rich history.

To kiss the Blarney Stone, visitors must lean backward over a parapet while holding onto a railing. Though the experience may seem daunting, it is entirely safe and supervised by castle staff. This tradition has attracted historical figures and celebrities over the years, all seeking the gift of gab.

Visiting the Blarney Stone is an immersion into Irish culture and traditions. It’s an experience that combines history, legend, and natural beauty, offering visitors a unique connection to Ireland’s past. If you’re planning a trip to Ireland, don’t forget to include Blarney Castle in your itinerary.

At Ireland Experience we offer our students a total immersion in the culture, history and customs of Ireland, and especially of Cork, a wonderful city. Contact us and join this great family.

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