Summers in Ireland


Summer in Ireland, while not as warm as other parts of Europe, offers a unique and charming experience. Temperatures usually range between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius, providing an ideal climate for exploring nature without the heat. Light rains and cloudy skies are common, but they do not diminish the charm of the green and lush landscapes that characterize the island.

The Irish enjoy their summer by participating in a variety of outdoor activities. Cultural and music festivals are very popular, with notable events like the Galway International Arts Festival and the Cork Midsummer Festival. Additionally, beaches and national parks fill with families and friends who take advantage of the long days for picnics, hiking, and water sports.

For students of Ireland Experience, summer in Ireland is a perfect opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture while improving their English, practising the language in real contexts. Moreover, the courses include extracurricular cultural activities.

Street markets and local fairs are also an excellent way to experience Irish life. These events are ideal for meeting locals, trying typical food, and discovering handmade products. Students can take advantage of these spaces to practice their English by talking to vendors and other attendees.

In summary, summer in Ireland, with its mix of pleasant weather, cultural activities, and learning opportunities, offers Ireland Experience students an enriching and unforgettable experience. Whether exploring nature, enjoying festivals, or interacting with the local community, each day is a new adventure on this wonderful island.

At Ireland Experience we offer our students a total immersion in the culture, history and customs of Ireland, and especially of Cork, a wonderful city. Contact us and join this great family.

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☎️ +353 83 482 6432 🇮🇪

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